Saturday, October 14, 2023

Sideline: Dropping in on new social networks.

Well, I've spent some time on Mastodon and put up a BlueSky profile last night to see what they were like.

I'll keep visiting Mastodon, though I don't spend much time there. There are some interesting people, though the interface is clunky even after a few months on the platform and there's no encrypted private messaging.
BlueSky? Pluses: 1) it looks like, works like, and is a simpler, cleaner Twitter, which it used to be part of; 2) A lot of refugees from Science Twitter - I had friends the moment I landed. Minuses: the writing community looks much smaller and less active, experts say the data-selling rules are really bad, and I haven't found whatever the connections / circles / networks features are. But it's still in beta, with 1 million people total, so I will drop in to see how it is developing. I just spotted a third-party app for encrypted messaging.
I have not tried Threads, which I understand has the worst privacy/data rules ever invented.
I'm moving away from X, which a man I used to admire is driving into a Xesspool and to eventual Xtinction. I'm still active because there are so many writers and writer events, but it's only a matter of time.

 Matt Bille is a writer, historian, and naturalist living in Colorado Springs. He can be reached at Website:

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