

Matt Bille writes science, history, and fiction from his home in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado. Matt interests are many, but a few of his specialties are space, cryptozoology, and national defense. In addition to writing books, he frequently updates Matt's Sci-Tech Blog. Listed below are some of Matt's varied accomplishments.
- 2014: First novel, The Dolmen, will sppear from Wolfsinger Publications
- 2011: Wrote on marine "monster" legends and folklore for ASIAN GEOGRAPHIC. Wrote “International Space Cooperation: A Rising Tide,” an article featured in Space Times magazine May/June 2010 Matt was profiled in 2010 as one of the "Men of Cryptozoology"
- 2010: Published a short story in the anthology All About Eve (Wolfsinger Publications) and his ideas on international cooperation in Space Times magazine.
- 2008: Interviewed as on-camera expert on mystery bears for an episode of The History Channel's MonsterQuest series. The episode aired several times in the fall of 2008.
2007: Appeared on the opening panel of the American Astronautical Society's Annual Conference in Houston. Presentation title: "50 Years of Space History: A Resource for the Future." On the 50th anniversary of the Sputnik launch, published (with Erika Lishock), the article “Sputnik – the Human Story,” in QUEST magazine, issue #14:4.
- 2006: Presented with Kris Winkler to the AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites on "Microspacecraft and the Vision for Space Exploration." Second book on zoological discoveries and mysteries, Shadows of Existence, published by Hancock House.
- 2004: Second nonfiction and first space history book, The First Space Race: Launching the World's First Satellites, published by Texas A&M under sponsorship from the NASA Chief Historian.
1995" First nonfiction book, Rumors of Existence, about the world's rarest and least known animals and the many new discoveries made in the 20th century, published by Hancock House.
 - 1994: Present: Consultant, analyst, and researcher for a variety of topics in the fields of space, defense, and national policy.
- 1992: Published the first of a continuing series of professional papers, magazine articles, and newsletters on my favorite scientific topics: zoology and space exploration.
- 1982-1994 Officer, U.S. Air Force, specializing in ballistic missiles, guidance programming, and command &control.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding rare creatures, you might want to check out Xenoturbella:
